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Jennifer Mason | 40 Under 40

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Jennifer Mason | 40 Under 40

Jennifer MasonHometown: Lexington, N.C.

Education: Attended University of Nevada, Las Vegas

About the business: Helps clients to save money by correcting billing errors, optimizing services and improving efficiencies for landline and mobile phones.

Social media platforms you use:Facebook, LinkedIn

iPhone, Android or BlackBerry? iPhone

Mac or PC? Mac

Word that best describes you: Perky

Hours per week you work: 50

For which organizations do you volunteer? City Rescue Mission, St. Johns County School District, Gabriel House of Care

Favorite cause: Breast cancer research

Favorite escape: Boating

Guilty pleasure: Chocolate

Greatest professional accomplishment: This award

Stress relief: When I ride across the bridge to Edisto, S.C., where my parents live, my blood pressure seems to go down a hundred points.

Favorite college/professional sports team: University of South Carolina, Jaguars, Atlanta Braves

What was your favorite childhood movie? “Top Gun”

What was your favorite book to read as a child? “Charlotte’s Web”

What was the first video game you played? “Pac-Man”

What was your favorite childhood cartoon? The Charlie Brown specials

Favorite quote: “Everything happens for a reason.”

How long in your current job? Three years

What is a typical day like for you? Get the kids off to school, appointments and client meetings, home for dinner with the kids.

Why did you go into your current field? After meeting the CEO, I began working part-time, then in various departments — it was an evolving process into a fantastic career.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Fighter pilot

Best advice you ever got: Don’t settle for second place.

Goal by 40: Continuing to grow the company and expand our national footprint.

—Jaimie Wilson

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